What is Family Mediation?

  • Mediation helps families where a relationship has broken down to reach an agreement about the future.
  • Mediation enables couples whose relationship has broken down to make decisions on a face to face basis.
  • It is an effective route to resolving family issues.
  • A Mediator gives impartial and independent Information to separating or divorcing couples about legal rights and procedure.
  • It is an alternative to court proceedings or can work alongside proceedings.
  • We offer a safe, neutral place that provides a managed structured environment. It is an alternative family method of resolution and aims to be non-confrontational.

What issues can Mediation assist with?

  • Children – for example issues about where the children reside or whom they spend their time with.
  • Finances – for example, issues surrounding property, pensions, savings, investments, debts, maintenance. Our Mediators are specialist and experienced Family Lawyers that also deal with high value assets, therefore we can offer a specialist Mediation service where there are extensive assets to be resolved.
  • Divorce / Separation – We realise that people often want to discuss this and not simply brush over the issues and procedure. Mediation helps separating couples to try to decide together what is the best way forward for themselves and their family.
  • Cohabitation – There are now more couples than ever before simply cohabiting, often for longer than well established marriages. The law in this area is distinct but in no way less valued.
  • Grandparents – We can also assist Grandparents with issues over contact with grandchildren.
  • Inheritance & Probate matters – we can assist in matters where inheritance or probate issues are disputed.
  • Same Sex/Civil Partnership matters – we have extensive experience in Civil Partnership and same sex relationship matters.

What about reconciliation?

Mediation is not counselling/marriage guidance. Family Mediation does not set out to get people back together however if reconciliation seems to be a possibility we would put you in touch with an appropriate service such as Relate.

Mediation is voluntary

It is important that each of you enters the Mediation process able to discuss and plan freely together and without risk of threat or harm.  Please let me know us if there are any concerns for you about your ability to discuss matters freely. This will be assessed at your initial MIAM.

Can I stop Mediation at any time?

Either of you may terminate the Mediation at any stage.  If we think it may be inappropriate or unhelpful to continue we may also terminate the process. In either event, we will provide information as to other options available to you.

The Mediator is impartial

As Mediator we are impartial and seek to help both of you equally. We do not make judgments or express opinions about who may be right or wrong, nor do we take sides. We help and assist you to reach your own decisions about your futures. Although we can not provide advice we are about to provide unbiased and impartial information on Mediation.

Do I need a Solicitor?

Mediators provide legal and financial information in an impartial way to help you understand the options available to you.  The choices and decisions are yours and we do not make judgments about your individual or joint situation, nor provide advice on your “best interests”.  We will help you both. We will help you both and assist you both to reality test the options and discuss with you which solutions might work best for you and your family. If it seems that your proposed solutions are outside the parameters that a court might approve, we will discuss this with you. It is possible and often very helpful for you to have advice from your Solicitors during or before the Mediation process in order to make informed decisions. Also your respective advisers can be kept informed as to progress of Mediation if you wish.

Mediation is open and honest with each party?

All information including correspondence from either of you will be shared openly with you both. The only exception to this is an address/  telephone numbers/ email addresses which either of you wishes to keep confidential.

Mediation cannot take place if we have prior knowledge of the situation through previous involvement as a Solicitor or in any other professional role.  If any other conflict or perceived conflict of interest arises or emerges we will not be able to continue to act as Mediators.

Contact our Mediation Team

How can we help?